Version History

So you can see what we've been up to.

PukkaTeam Release Notes / Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Based on

Latest release: 0.9.7 - 2017-05-04

Past releases:

Version 0.9.7 - 2017-05-04


  • "Back to app" added further into the team settings page for convenience.


  • Fullscreen mode now hides the "Make a Suggestion" menu.


  • Hide all of the footer in Fullscreen mode - not just the text.
  • Correctly remove emojis when user goes offline.
  • Emojis not showing when a user comes online.
  • "Back to app" link now links correctly in settings page.
  • "Do not Disturb" red status bar not showing on refresh.
  • Fix bug for users without teams that were unable to view settings.

Version 0.9.6 - 2017-04-28


  • New Emojis
  • Onboarding for new users
  • Email Verification
  • Indepth Set-up guide for Flash Safari and IE users
  • Demo user for new members


  • Closing Toolbar now persists on refresh
  • Change Session Expiry message to say Reload rather than Login

Version 0.9.5 - 2017-04-19


  • Medium and large webcam size options
  • New community-based support system
  • Customisable logo next to the PukkaTeam brand
  • Added contact team member by mail


  • Revamped User Interface
  • Removed Appearin contact option for offline users

Version 0.9.2 - 2017-04-06


  • Welcome message for users that integrate Slack.


  • Offline users now show last presence update rather than last snapshot update.


  • Issue with offline users that have never taken a snapshot showing inaccurate offline times.
  • Users that use Slack integration and 2FA no longer sign in twice.
  • Problem with users that have more than 1 PukkaTeam team and the same Slack team.

Version 0.9.1 - 2017-04-03


  • Slack Integration.
    • /pukkateam command which shows who's on PukkaTeam.
    • /pukkasnap command which posts the a team member's latest photo.
    • Team based login for adding PukkaTeam commands to Slack.
    • User based login for adding Deep linking and pukkasnap command.
  • Browser notifications for missed calls and team invites.


  • Filter and sort persists on page refresh.
  • Team members can now be contacted when they're offline or away.
  • Notification menu will update in realtime for missed calls and team invites.
  • Show the abbreviated timezone for users that are in a different timezone.
  • Team members that are offline will display how long ago since they were online. e.g. "5 minutes ago".


  • Missing Skype and Timezone preferences in settings page.

Version 0.9.0 - 2017-03-15


  • Optional Google 2 Factor Auth - This can be set up in your profile under “Security”.
  • Ability to promote another team member to owner.


  • Webcam will only turn on when taking a photo (Chrome only) - This will be a great benefit for laptop users on the go.
  • “Mirror” the webcam - Many users gave us feedback that when they’re showing something on their webcam it’s showing the wrong way around. Internal system updates.


  • “Remember me” now keeps your email saved for your next session.
  • The login page previously had errors after a session had expired for a long time. An overlay will now show prompting users to log back in which fixed the issue.

Version 0.8.4 - 2016-09-08


  • Teammates local time display and timezone support
  • Full screen support


  • Improved presence - users go offline quicker thanks to our improved presence tracking
  • Improved first-boot experience - faster and better for everyone, especially folks using Flash-reliant browsers


  • Video call ringing now only lasts 10 seconds

Version 0.8.3 - 2016-08-20


  • Snapshot timing control


  • Improved presence - user's who are actually online appear online straight away


  • 'Offline' issues for teams with only 2 team members

Version 0.8.2 - 2016-08-10


  • Improved sorting, filtering and status dropdowns to be clearer
  • Improved some styling (e.g. colour of call buttons) and layout issues, especially teammate hover overlays


  • High CPU usage and crashing tabs


  • Snapshot timer button until functionality is ready for primetime
  • Layout change buttons until we've found a more efficient way of handling layout

Version 0.8.1 - 2016-07-15


  • Sorting and filtering of team members - e.g. show online teammates only, sorted by status
  • Layout options (3-up, 4-up, 6-up) with sensible defaults based on current team size
  • call ringing noise
  • Browser notification on new user login


  • Moved to wide layout
  • Your status-change button is now on your snapshot


  • Some session time-out issues

Version 0.8.0 - 2016-07-05


  • integration for one-to-one calls (more coming soon!)
  • Push.js browser notifications
  • Missed call in-app notifications


  • Upgraded to Spark v1.0.13
  • Upgraded to Laravel v5.2.31 (incl. dependencies)
  • Beta is now open to all


  • Auto-logout on session death

Version 0.7.1 - 2016-06-07


  • Upgraded to Spark v1.0.12
  • Improved website content

Version 0.7.0 - 2016-06-06


  • New overlay for when hovering over teammates' snapshots
  • Skype integration: add your Skype username and allow teammates to call you from PukkaTeam with a single click
  • Full cross-browser support (for snapshots) thanks to Addy Osmani's fantastic getUserMedia.js library (Flash required for Safari & IE)
  • New, automatic 4-up view for larger teams
  • FAQs section


  • When your session has died, you will be taken back to the login screen automatically

Version 0.6.2 - 2016-05-25


  • Automatically show new team members when they come online


  • When new users come online but never change status
  • A crash when users aren't part of any teams
  • Some in-app footer z-index issues

Version 0.6.1 - 2016-05-25


  • Frontend metadata for Twitter & Facebook


  • Improved selfie button disabling and re-enabling
  • Improved the feedback email handler to send more useful info to our support system
  • Readability improvements to the changelog

Version 0.6.0 - 2016-05-21


  • Timer on manual snapshot & bring video to the front to take better selfies
  • Manually and automatically dismissable, repeating alert when everyone else is offline
  • Dismissable info pane shows when you have no teammates
  • EmojiCSS!


  • Improved startup process to improve timings and speed
  • Hide feedback button on mobiles - it was getting in the way a little bit


  • First snapshot happening too soon (black picture) - definitely!

Version 0.5.0 - 2016-05-20


  • Invite Team button
  • Tweet button
  • Browser compatibility
  • Terms and Privacy Policy
  • Add team name to in-app page <title> tags


  • Reduced number of calls at app boot to reduce lag and bandwidth usage
  • Various UI improvements


  • Camera 'already in use' skewed images fixed
  • First snapshot happening too soon (black picture) - hopefully!
  • When everyone else is offline, stop doing stuff
  • A raft of smaller bugs fixed

Version 0.4.0 - 2016-05-18


  • Front-end pages


  • Offline users now show correctly
  • Disjointed layout on team page on some systems

Version 0.3.0 - 2016-05-17


  • Manual status changes. New 'Do Not Disturb' status
  • Manual snapshot feature - take a selfie!


  • Switched to Pusher and WebSockets
  • Better handling of user data on the client and server
  • Snaps located in versioned team folder
  • Face-tracking module disabled for now due to inconsistent status changes


  • Reliance on Server-Sent Events (EventSource)

Version 0.2.0 - 2016-05-15


  • integration

Version 0.1.0 - 2016-05-13


  • Everything

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